Food for beating Diabetes - Full Guidelines


Powerfoods to beat Diabetes 

These foods can give you an extra edge against diabetes and it's complications.


Because they offer so many health advantages, put these at the core of your diet. Apples are naturally low in calories, yet their high fiber content (4 grams) fills you up, battles bad cholesterol, and blunts blood-sugar swings. Eat them whole and unpeeled for the greatest benefit, or make a quick 'baked' apple. After washing and chopping one apple, put it in a bowl with a dusting of cinnamon and microwave until soft (about 4 minutes). Enjoy with yogourt and oat bran sprinkles for a nutritious dessert, or serve over oatmeal for breakfast.


Berries are full of fibre and antioxidants. The red and blue varieties also contain natural plant compounds called anthocyanins. Scientists believe these may help lower blood sugar by boosting insulin production. Put some in an easy-to-grab location or freeze a handful to suck on or use as ice cubes.


Rich, creamy, and packed with beneficial monounsaturated fat, avocado slows digestion and helps keep blood sugar from spiking after a meal. A diet high in good fats may even help reverse insulin resistance, which translates to steadier blood sugar long-term.


When menu planning, think 'bean cuisine' at least twice a week. The soluble fibre in all types of beans (from chickpeas to kidney beans to even edamame) puts a lid on high blood sugar. And because they're rich in protein, beans can stand in for meat in main dishes.


Broccoli is filling, fibrous, and full of antioxidants (including a day's worth of vitamin C in one serving). It's also rich in chromium, which plays an important role in long-term blood sugar control.


Don't believe what you hear about carrots rapidly raising blood sugar. While the type of sugar they contain is transformed into blood sugar quickly, the amount of sugar in carrots is extremely low. That's good news because carrots are one of nature's richest sources of beta-carotene, which is linked to a lower risk of diabetes and better blood-sugar control.


Beef is a diabetes-friendly food, as long as you choose the leanest cuts and keep
portions to one-fourth your plate. Getting enough protein at mealtime keeps you feeling full and satisfied. Plus, it helps
maintain muscle mass when you're losing weight, so your metabolism stays high.


Eggs are another excellent, inexpensive source of high-quality protein'so high, in fact, that egg protein is the gold standard nutritionists use to rank all other proteins.
An egg or two would not raise your
cholesterol, and will keep you feeling full
and satisfied for hours afterward.

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