Get rid of Constipation with home remedies
The following quick treatments of home remedies can help induce a bowel movement in a few hours
- Take a fiber supplement
Fiber in natural products
Use this tested product
Fiber Powder 👈
- Drink a glass of water
Proper hydration — typically at least eight 8-ounce glasses of clear liquid per day — is necessary for normal bowel movements. If you’re constipated and haven’t been drinking an adequate amount of water, consuming a large glass of water or other clear liquid may trigger a bowel movement.
- Use a stool softener
One common cause of constipation is dehydration, which can cause hard stool. Using a stool softener, such as docusate sodium (Colace) or docusate calcium (Surfak), can moisten the stool by pulling water from your intestines. This allows the stool to exit your body more easily.
- Get some exercise
Light exercise, such as walking or jogging, can encourage bowel movements by increasing blood flow throughout your abdomen.
- Get in a squat position to poop
Bring a small footstool into your bathroom the next time you need to poop. Placing your feet on a stool in front of the toilet while you poop — so your body is essentially in a squatting position instead of in a seated position —can help you pass stool without straining.
When stool is hard and pebble-like, it can be difficult to pass because the hard, dry edges make it feel sharp. This can make your bowel movements painful. Besides the visual proof of pellet poop bowel movements, you may experience the following symptoms:
- feeling like you still have to go, even after you’ve made a bowel movement
- pooping fewer than
three times a week - straining when you go, even though the poop isn’t very large
Sometimes, pebble stool can cause a backup in your colon so only liquid stool escapes around it. This could make you think you have diarrhea, when you actually still have hard stool in your intestines.
You may even see blood in your pellet stool. A small streak of blood may be due to irritation in your colon’s surface lining. Significant blood could signal something more, like gastrointestinal bleeding.
Seek immediate medical attention if you notice a significant amount of blood or if your stools are black.
Chronic constipation can make it challenging for a person to focus on their daily tasks and activities. If your constipation lasts more than a week and doesn’t respond to treatment, it’s time to see a doctor to rule out serious causes. See a doctor right away if your constipation is accompanied by dizziness, fatigue, cramping, or spasms.